28 March 2024

10 Tips to Improve Fuel Efficiency

person filling up car with fuel

Looking for ways to save fuel? We understand that every penny helps and when it comes to the ever-fluctuating prices of fuel, people are feeling the pinch. Here are some practical tips to help keep your tank fuller for longer. 

1. Regular vehicle maintenance

Keeping your vehicle in excellent condition is one of the best ways to maximise fuel efficiency. Regularly changing the oil, replacing air filters and ensuring properly inflated tyres can significantly improve your fuel usage. With all systems running as they should, driving will be much smoother, reducing the likelihood of any problems that could increase fuel consumption.

2. Check your tyre pressure

Making sure your tyres are fully inflated is a crucial way to save fuel. The lower the tyre pressure, the more the engine has to work to keep your car moving. So make sure you regularly check your tyres and keep them topped up to the correct pressure level. 

3. Choose the right fuel

Select the recommended fuel type for your vehicle. Using premium fuel in an engine designed for regular fuel is often unnecessary and won’t provide additional benefits, making it an unnecessary expense.

4. Maintain a steady speed

Consistent speeds can contribute to better fuel efficiency. Use cruise control on highways to help maintain a steady pace, preventing unnecessary fuel consumption caused by constant speed adjustments. It’s useful to be gentle with your acceleration and brakes too, as rapid changes in speed can consume more fuel. Gradual acceleration allows your engine to operate more efficiently.

5. Use highest gear

Driving in a higher gear can improve fuel efficiency because it allows the engine to operate at lower RPM (revolutions per minute). When the engine runs at a lower RPM, it generally burns less fuel. Higher gears are suitable for cruising at a consistent speed on highways or roads with minimal traffic, where there’s less demand for quick acceleration.

6. Reduce the drag

Remove roof boxes and bars to lessen the drag effect on your car. According to the Energy Saving Trust, when travelling in your car at 75mph with a roof rack, you’ll be adding 16% drag. When travelling with a roof box at the same speed, you’re adding 39% drag. Both of these accessories will push up your fuel usage, so if you’re not using them, lose them.

7. Close windows

Another way to reduce drag is to keep your windows closed. Opening them makes your car less aerodynamic, causing drag which makes it more challenging for your engine to maintain your current speed.

8. Limit AC usage

Air conditioning can put a strain on your engine. In the colder seasons, you’ll want to crank up the heat, but if you’re keen to save fuel then it’s much more efficient to layer up instead. In warmer months, parking in the shade and using window shades can help keep your car cool and save you from having to fill up your tank sooner.

9. Lighten the load

Extra weight places a higher demand on your engine and heavier cars use more fuel. So if you can, remove anything weighty and remove roof racks when not in use.

10. Plan your trips

Planning ahead can help you save fuel. A cold engine consumes a lot more fuel during the first five miles, so it’s best to carry out your daily errands in one trip where possible. This might not be doable in the week with daily commuting, but try to avoid short drives on the weekend. If you need to pick something up from the shop, why not walk instead.

Book a car service with Bromley Car Repairs

With fuel prices constantly changing, it’s more important than ever to be efficient with your petrol or diesel usage. These tried and tested tips are great ways to lower your fuel consumption so that you can save money that can be better spent elsewhere.

If you think your car may need a maintenance check to make sure it’s running at its most efficient, get in touch today to schedule a car service. Our expert team are here to help with your Volkswagen, Audi, Seat, Skoda, BMW, Mini vehicles. Give us a call on 020 8466 7849 or use our easy online booking form to schedule an appointment.

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